Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is Baba Jani Sarkar?? - Yahoo! Answers

What is Baba Jani Sarkar?? - Yahoo! Answers


  1. I still didn't get it ... what is Bab Jani Sarkar? :)

  2. dear serenity hope you fine. sir/madem i am shahbaz junior mureed of hazrat babajani sarkar allah walay. you asking wats babajani sarkar i try to explain you.
    hazrat babajani sarkar is bornly friend of allah.
    allah fastly listen them pray for everyone.
    allah give to big miracls.
    here's look a thousands peoples to our holy prophet(PBUH) in dreams. and our prophet PBUH said he is right person and he is following me completely.
    babajani sarkar teach to public from quran o hadith.
